I get in my own way, a lot.


You read that right, I’m my biggest stumbling block. Sometimes, I overthink and overanalyze , while other times, I don’t even think or consider the outcomes at all.


Too often, I try to do things on my own—with my own might, strength, and knowledge.






Bad, it worked out bad, scary-faced, Nicholas Cage. I allowed my feelings and my brain to navigate circumstances when I KNEW BETTER.


Why is it that we ever stop leaning on the Lord?


When I doubt and fear, it’s like I have forgotten how far the Lord has brought me and what He has done. I know God is able to do what I cannot, yet I found my own hands trying to work things out or make my dreams come true. I tried to follow the “rules” of earthly success when I was never meant to be defined by the world.


I felt bad when I could not be everything to everyone and I worked so hard, by my own power, to do what I could to please everyone. (Hence, the past blog posts on ‘people pleasing’ and caring about what others thought too much.)


And. That. Is. Ridiculous.


It’s always when I step away and allow God to be the driving force in all things, that is when I am satisfied with my life. I can’t be anyone except who the Lord has called me to be and if that means I’m annoying with all of my Jesus talk and focus on the Kingdom of God, then annoying is who I am.




I need him to live, breath, and move. I need Him to help me raise my children. I need Him in my marriage. I need Him in my ministry. I need Him in my writing. I needed Him yesterday, I need Him now, and I need Him in my future.




I saw a very simple truth on Instagram the other day. It said, “Pray…before you mess things up.”


You see, God has it all worked out for us. We just have to follow His plan and depend on His might. Pray before you start meddling in something you have no business trying to meddle in the first place. Give God room to work in you and through you because, I promise you, if you do, He will come through.


I want to encourage you, today, to never forget the power in the name of Jesus and never ever underestimate the supernatural ability of a simple prayer prayed in faith.


Today, I make a declaration. I am going to take a step back and look at my life from God’s perspective. I’m going to be grateful for everything and learn to depend on Him more than I ever have before because I was silly to try to do anything without Him.


Lord, I’m giving it all to You. Not my will, but Yours be done. In Jesus’s name, amen.


What about you? Have you been trying to do things on your own lately? I hope and pray this is a gentle reminder to lean on God. <3

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